Shirin Farhad_peliplat
Shirin Farhad_peliplat

Shirin Farhad (1956)

None | India | Hindi, Urdu | 150 min
Directed by: Aspi Irani

Shehzadi Shirin takes a liking to a fawn raised by Farhad, takes it to her royal gardens but permits him to visit it everyday. Both grow close together and fall in love. When she reaches the age of 16, her Pufi forbids her to see Farhad anymore, while Tehran's Shahenshah, who has acquired his kingdom due to his marriage to his present wife, Miriam, wants to wed Shirin - even if it means sacrificing everything. When Pufi finds out that the Shirin and Farhad have been meeting each other on the sly, she informs Shirin's father, who has Farhad arrested and is even ready to behead him, but his daughter asks for mercy and in return is willing to sacrifice her love and marry Husro. Watch as a seemingly insane Farhad follows Shirin to Iran - where he will be asked to perform an impossible task - create a stream of milk from a rocky mountain.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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