Psila ta heria Hitler_peliplat
Psila ta heria Hitler_peliplat

Psila ta heria Hitler (1962)

None | Greece | Greek | 75 min
Directed by: Roviros Manthoulis

Panagis and Anestis, two bosom friends, cross paths during an excursion. In a twist of fate, the companions, who had believed each other dead, reunite with tears welling, unable to believe their eyes. As they reconnect, they fondly reminisce about their shared struggle for survival in Nazi-occupied Athens during the dark years of World War II. Back then, amid despair and death, the two steadfast friends fought bravely to survive, clinging to the audacious dream of freedom. But their harrowing story took an unexpected turn after a fateful encounter with the formidable Waffen SS that forcibly separated the inseparable friends. And now, after so many years, their heart-warming reunion ignites hope for a brighter future. Will the chance encounter mark the beginning of new and promising chapters in their lives?

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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