The Velvet Paw_peliplat
The Velvet Paw_peliplat

The Velvet Paw (1916)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Maurice Tourneur

Mary Dexter comes to Washington with her husband, Phillip, to get his invention, an appliance for battleships, adopted. He runs against graft and influence on all sides and finally realizes he can do nothing without money and "pull." Unknown to Phillip, Mary goes to Senator Barring and by her beauty and charm so interests him that he promises to help her husband. When she rushes to tell the good news to Phillip, she is horrified to find him dead by his own hands. Senator Barring recognizes in Mary a clever tool and under the guise of friendship and kindliness wins her to his side. He and his wife take her into their home, help and comfort her, and when she asks to be allowed to repay them, he enlists her assistance for some of his measures. She falls in with his plans and is successful in winning to her side the vote of various members of Congress. Clifford Drake, a young. clean-cut congressman, despite bribes and threats, refuses to side with the interests. Barring persuades Mary to use her influence. She lures Drake on and finally on a vague promise of marriage induces him to forsake his principles and vote with the interests. His infatuation costs him his seat in Congress; his party is disgusted with his deflection and turn from him, electing in his stead, Moorehead, a strong, capable, honest westerner. Drake, maddened with love for Mary, begs her to marry him despite his defeat, but she laughs his proposal to scorn and he goes, threatening revenge for his blighted career. Mary is attracted to Moorehead and succeeds in meeting him and winning his interest. Like all other men, he falls for her charms, but despite his infatuation, he will not yield his principles and refuses to vote against the Child Labor Bill at Mary's request. Finally, however, on her urgent plea, he promises her that he will be absent when the vote is called. When Mary reports this to Barring, he is furious; they must have Moorehead's help in defeating the bill. Mary realizes at last how infamous has been her part in the political game. Love for Moorehead has awakened her true nature, and she determines to undo part of her work. The Child Labor Bill is up for discussion. Madly Mary pursues Moorehead, who, true to his promise, has remained away from the House. Finally, she comes upon him and begs him to return and cast his vote for the bill. Believing she is trying to "use" him further, he breaks away from her, but at last she convinces him that through him she has come to see things in their true light and is anxious to fight with him for the right. Moorehead rushes to the House and delivers an impassioned address in favor of the Child Labor Bill. His strong arguments carry the day and the bill is passed. Congratulations are showered on him. Mary in the gallery, rejoices in his victory when suddenly a shot rings out and Mary falls wounded. Drake, drunk and half crazed in his desire for revenge, followed Mary and fired with intent to kill. The House is in an uproar. Drake is seized by angered members and hurled from the gallery. Moorhead rushes up to Mary and is overjoyed to find that her wound is only slight and together they rejoice over his victory and her narrow escape.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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