The Grip of Jealousy_peliplat
The Grip of Jealousy_peliplat

The Grip of Jealousy (1916)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Joseph De Grasse

The Grant and Morey families have been enemies for generations. Beth Grant and Jack Morey marry secretly, and when the expected result of marriage is near at hand, decide to leave home rather than betray their secret. Virginia Grant overhears their plans to leave and, thinking that Morey has dishonored her sister, tells Harry Grant, who proclaims vengeance upon Morey. Rich planter Silas Lacey asks Harry Grant's consent to marry his sister Virginia Lacey, not being of the proper social strata. Grant is indignant in his refusal and throws Lacey bodily from the house. Lacey kills Grant, but everybody suspects Jack Morey, who fled when his secret wife died birthing a child. Only Lacey's old slave Jeff knows that Lacey is Harry Grant's murderer. Virginia, believing that Beth's child is illegitimate. conceals the fact of its birth and leaves it on Jeff's doorstep. Inside Jeff's cabin at the time is Jeff's daughter Cora, safe from the bloodhounds that have been trailing her, but deathly ill from childbirth. When Jeff finds the baby on his doorstep, he believes it's his granddaughter and rears her as Linda. Fifteen years later, Hugh Morey lays siege to Virginia's hand but she won't marry him because she believes that Jack Morey killed her brother Harry. Lacey is also a persistent suitor, but Virginia disdains him because she really loves Hugh Morey despite the family feud. Virginia's greatest murder is the secret knowledge that Linda, whom Jeff is raising as his granddaughter, is actually her own niece, the daughter of her dead sister Beth. Lacey claims possession of Linda, thinking she's the offspring of one of his slaves. Lacey's son Harvey covets Linda. To old Lacey, however, Linda is valuable. Virginia's care of her at Jeff's and her great interest in the welfare of the supposed slave-child gives him a strong influence to bear upon his suit for Virginia's hand. Finally Virginia consents to marry Lacey if he will free Linda. Harvey Lacey hears of the bargain and while old Lacey is "waiting at the church," kidnaps Linda and takes her aboard a river boat. By the coincidence of moving-picture license, Jack Morey, who has never been heard from since he left home following Harry Grant's murder, is traveling on the same steamer. Seeing Linda carried on board the boat and locked in one of the cabins, Jack Morey rescues her in the nick of time. Complications are soon set right. The ending of the story is the wedding of Hugh Morey and the proof, through Jeff's disclosure, that Lacey was the murderer of Harry Grant.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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