The Flame of Passion_peliplat
The Flame of Passion_peliplat

The Flame of Passion (1915)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Tom Terriss

William Lanyon, a West Indian planter, dies and leaves all his estate to his nephew, Dick Lorient, a New York society rounder, who is engaged to be married to his cousin, Dulcie Lanyon. Dick leaves to inspect his property and John Stark, the overseer, to whom the estate has been left in the event of Dick's death, conspires to gain possession of the property. In Jamaica, Dick meets the "Woman," and in the Flame of Passion, passes through rushing waters and fires of hell. How he escapes the siren's deadly fascination and the villainous scheming of Stark is depicted herein.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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