Our Little Wife_peliplat
Our Little Wife_peliplat

Our Little Wife (1918)

None | USA | None | 60 min
Directed by: Edward Dillon

Dodo Warren, an ingenuous young bride, decides to take her three rejected suitors - Bobo Brown, Tommy Belden, and Dr. Elliott - along with her and her husband Herb on their honeymoon. Herb's protests fall on deaf ears, and soon all five are comfortably ensconced in a Florida resort. Herb finds Dodo in what appears to be a compromising position with Dr. Elliott, but her heartfelt explanation convinces him of her innocence. A year later, Dodo tries to rescue Angie Martin, who has quarreled with her fiancé Bobo and therefore plans to attend a party with George Haywood. After calling Dr. Elliott, Dodo asks Bobo to accompany her to the party, which Angie fails to attend, and later that evening, the well-meaning young wife is locked into Haywood's apartment. Following a new round of explanations, Dodo promises never to look at another man again.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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