One Man in a Million_peliplat
One Man in a Million_peliplat

One Man in a Million (1921)

None | USA | None | 60 min
Directed by: George Beban

Lupino Delchini, a waiter in a little restaurant, is discharged for giving food to a penniless beggar, and Detective Hartley rewards the Italian by getting him an appointment as pound master. Flora is attracted to Lupino by his kindness, but when he adopts a small Belgian boy, he falls in love with Madame Maureveau, whom he believes to be the boy's mother. Madame Maureveau accepts his marriage offer only to avoid being deported; she's actually in love with Hartley, who traces her real son to another family. Renouncing his engagement, Delchini finds happiness with the boy and Flora.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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