Man of the Forest_peliplat
Man of the Forest_peliplat

Man of the Forest (1921)

None | USA | None | 70 min
Directed by: Howard Hickman

In poor health, Al Auchincloss sends for his two nieces Helen and Bo, and Milt Dale, who lives alone in the forest, to help round up the cattle. Helen's attraction to Milt annoys Harvey Riggs, who was sent to the ranch to be reformed but who has gotten involved with Beasley, a bootlegger, in a plot to secure control. Harvey gets rid of Milt by framing him and has the girls kidnapped, but when Harvey tries to poison Auchincloss, he is shot by a Los Vegas cowboy. Milt rescues the girls, and the forgery charge is proven false, thus leaving the path clear for Milt and Helen's romance. Animals provide comic relief in several scenes.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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