Three Wise Crooks_peliplat
Three Wise Crooks_peliplat

Three Wise Crooks (1925)

None | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: F. Harmon Weight

After robbing a diamond merchant, Molly seeks refuge at the country home of "Ma" Dickenson, an elderly lady whom she recently befriended in the city. Discovering that Wetherby, the local banker, and Wadsworth, an oil promoter, are planning to steal the townspeople's savings (including "Ma" Dickenson's), Molly sends for her two cohorts in crime, Spug and Dan, so as to beat Wetherby to the money and return it to the people. Their plan succeeds, and, while robbing the bank, Dan picks up evidence that will incriminate Wetherby. Consequently, when Detective Grogan finds Molly and the money, he believes her story and lets them all go free. Dan and Molly, also Spug and a local girl with whom he has fallen in love, begin a new life in the country.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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