Meet the Prince_peliplat
Meet the Prince_peliplat

Meet the Prince (1926)

None | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: Joseph Henabery

Prince Nicholas Alexnov falls asleep on the fire escape of an East Side tenement in New York and dreams of his elegant palace in Russia: An old servant tries to rouse him, but he will not wake up even though a revolution is imminent; at a conference held in the drawing room, the Princess Sophia, among others, is excited over the threatening labor strikes; a wounded footman staggers in shouting "Revolution"; and after killing a ruffian who pursues his sister, Nicholas escapes with her. Wakened by a broken milk bottle, the prince finds himself in the shabby milieu of his sister and his faithful friends. Nicholas goes to pawn a plaque but instead buys a painting from Annabelle Ford, in his pride pretending to be a collector. At a party given by wealthy Cynthia Stevens, Nicholas ignores the hostess in favor of Annabelle, who is courted also by Peter Paget. Nicholas then poses as a butler at Paget's country home to be near her. Ultimately, Paget is united with Sophia, and Nicholas carries off the rebellious Annabelle.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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