Naughty Marietta_peliplat
Naughty Marietta_peliplat

Naughty Marietta (1935)

G (US) | USA | English | 105 min
Directed by: Robert Z. Leonard, W.S. Van Dyke

Princess Marie de Namours de la Bonfain is a beautiful, sophisticated French princess of 23, who finds more worth in true love than a title. On the eve of her arranged marriage to a Spanish-grandee whom she doesn't love, her maid Marietta comes to her to say farewell. Marietta is leaving that night on a cargo ship bound for New Orleans where she will make a new life and find a husband. Princess Marie trades places with Marietta to escape her unwanted marriage and takes on Marietta's identity. While sailing, the cargo ship is taken hostage by pirates, but, Captain Richard Warrington and his mercenaries soon come to the rescue. Captain Warrington is quickly taken with the beautiful princess aka Marietta and she with him, but he has no interest in marriage and she's afraid she might be recognized. Meanwhile in France, a search and reward is out for Princess Marie's whereabouts. Princess Marie's uncle and fiancé discover that she is in New Orleans and sail for America. When they arrive, Princess Marie's true identity is revealed. That evening, a elegant ball is thrown in her honor. Captain Warrington learns that the Princess will be sent back to France that night, but he won't let the woman he loves get away that easily.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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