Frk. Møllers jubilæum_peliplat
Frk. Møllers jubilæum_peliplat

Frk. Møllers jubilæum (1937)

15 (DK) | Denmark | Danish | 90 min
Directed by: Lau Lauritzen, Alice O'Fredericks

Ms. Møller is a cashier in a large grand piano magazine and can soon celebrate his 25th anniversary. She wants to help the sweet young Grete Holm in the packing house. In order for the poor and orphaned Grete to meet a rich young man, invites Ms. Joining her on a skiing holiday in Sweden. Grete finds herself a ski instructor, and the whole thing is about to go wrong, when Ms. Møller gets all his savings stolen and is also accused by the grand piano company's director of having taken from the box himself..

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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