The Night Before the Divorce_peliplat
The Night Before the Divorce_peliplat

The Night Before the Divorce (1942)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 67 min
Directed by: Robert Siodmak

George Nordyke is married to Lynn, the perfect wife, but is unhappy about it; his wife is so competent that poor George's masculine ego never gets exercised. But along comes a spider with a coy approach, Lola May Wayne, and Mr. Deflated files for divorce and ready to set up housekeeping with a new web-master.But, on the eve of the trial (hence the title) an orchestra leader who has been eying Lynn himself, is murdered, and Lynn deliberately draws suspicion upon herself. And, just as he thought, George comes running back to her rescue. George plans to take her to their yacht and sail away to Canada but, curses, the yacht has been de-commissioned, and won't be sailing anywhere. But Lola May has followed them and reports their location to the police. The crime gets solved and George and Lynn decide to forget about the divorce.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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