Desperate Cargo_peliplat
Desperate Cargo_peliplat

Desperate Cargo (1941)

Passed (US) | USA | English, Spanish | 67 min
Directed by: William Beaudine

Several persons are waiting at a Caribbean port for the Caribbean Cruiser, a seaplane that has been delayed by the weather. A gang of criminals is making plans to take over the ship in midair, so that they can rob its safe. Meanwhile, Tony Bronson is waiting to become the ship's new purser once it arrives, while reporter Jim Halsey needs to get home quickly to be in time to accept an important assignment. While waiting, Bronson and Halsey have a romantic entanglement with two showgirls who are trying to get back to New York, and Bronson also has an altercation in a bar with one of the criminals. By the time the seaplane arrives and is ready for the passengers to board, there are plenty of tensions in the air.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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