Babes in Bagdad_peliplat
Babes in Bagdad_peliplat

Babes in Bagdad (1952)

Passed (US) | UK, Spain, USA | English | 79 min
Directed by: Edgar G. Ulmer

Hassan, the Kadi of Bagdad, has a harem housing twelve beauties, but concentrates his attention on Zohara. A newcomer, Kyra, introduces rebellion into the by the unheard of act of complaining to the Caliph about the lot of the women in the harem. Hassan suffers a greater shock when his God-son, Ezar, asserts that women are the equal of men. They make a wager under which Ezar must settle down with a conventional harem unless Zohara can outwit Hassan within ten days.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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