Era lui, sì, sì!_peliplat
Era lui, sì, sì!_peliplat

Era lui, sì, sì! (1951)

13 (AR) | Italy | Italian | 95 min
Directed by: Marino Girolami, Marcello Marchesi, Vittorio Metz

Fernando, owner of a large chain store, suffers from worrying dreams: he seems to successfully court saucy women, but just as he is about to win them over, a youngster comes on the scene and steals them from under his nose. One day a young graduate, Walter, turns up in search of work, and since he is almost identical to Fernando's dream rival, the latter thinks to send him packing but after persuasion hires him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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