Palace Hotel_peliplat
Palace Hotel_peliplat

Palace Hotel (1952)

12 (XWG) | Switzerland, West Germany | German, Swiss German, Italian | 102 min
Directed by: Emil Berna, Leonard Steckel

The Palace, a world-renowned hotel in St. Moritz, is preparing for the winter season under the guidance of its beautiful lady manager. In this hive buzz Staub, the old waiter, his daughter, the telephone operator, Fredy, the playboy kitchen porter who is very much in demand by lonely female customers, the chambermaids Speranza, Fredy's fiancée, and Emilie, who lives with her young boy, the sommelier Loosli and many others who are all valiantly doing their work. All these people are upset one day when a robbery is discovered in room 126.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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