Play trailer

Barsaat (1949)

A (IN) | India | Hindi | 171 min
Directed by: Raj Kapoor

Pran and Gopal are traveling in a convertible in the Indian countryside but the car breaks down. Near Satpur they come across a village and rest there for a few days. While there Gopal meets with Neela, while Pran meets with Reshma, and the couples fall in love with each other. Gopal, who fancies himself a Casanova of sorts, has no qualms whatsoever of leaving Neela and going out with other women, while Pran is unable to get Reshma out of his mind. The two leave, promising to return during the monsoon season. While in the city, Pran is unable to make up his mind about returning to Reshma, and Gopal prefers the company of two dancing girls, Lily and Ruby, not knowing that Reshma is shortly to be married to Bholu, while Neela, on the verge of killing herself, is anxiously awaiting Gopal's return. Watch what happens when Bholu takes Reshma to the city.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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