Tuppe tuppe, Marescià!_peliplat
Tuppe tuppe, Marescià!_peliplat

Tuppe tuppe, Marescià! (1958)

None | Italy | Italian | 95 min
Directed by: Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia

Don Percuoco returns to the country after making a fortune in France and seeks a wife. The beautiful Maria, who runs a bar, is the chosen one, but she is in love with a very shy marshal who cannot declare himself. Percuoco then opens a cafe in front of Maria's bar, and summons the busty Carmela from Rome to serve. Soon all the men of the village desert Maria's bar to rush to see Carmela's graces, arousing the wrath of the notary, defender of public morality, and wives. How will it end?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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