Girls Town_peliplat
Girls Town_peliplat
Play trailer

Girls Town (1959)

K-16 (FI) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Charles F. Haas

Chip is killed accidentally while trying to rape a blonde girl, who runs. Silver becomes the number-one suspect although she has an alibi, but because she's had previous brushes with the law she's sent to Girls Town, a nun-run home for young women in trouble with the law. Rebellious Silver causes trouble at the school, and her friend Serafina's infatuation with a young singer brings her to the brink of self-destruction. Meanwhile, Chip's father hires a detective to learn the truth, and Chip's friend Fred makes trouble for Silver's sister at a drag race. Silver has problems, all right.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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