Dorogoy moy chelovek_peliplat
Dorogoy moy chelovek_peliplat

Dorogoy moy chelovek (1958)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 108 min
Directed by: Iosif Kheifits

The doctor Vladimir Ustimenko is the person of a debt and honor, he is devoted to business to which serves, and is devoted to the one and only love which carries by through all life: love to Varya Stepanova, the eccentrical little girl who is dreaming to become the great actress, but become the geologist. War will cruelly interfere with the fate of heroes and will even more confuse in them, already fragile, the relations. After long and unexpected separation heroes will for the first time meet in front hospital where the army doctor Ustimenko will operate not recovering consciousness "difficult" patient - Varya Stepanova.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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