No Place to Land_peliplat
No Place to Land_peliplat

No Place to Land (1958)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 77 min
Directed by: Albert C. Gannaway

Crop-duster pilot Jonas Bailey (John Ireland)ends his romance with Irie Lee (Mari Blanchard) and, on the rebound and because she is sure Jonas will fight for her, Iris marries Buck Lavonne (Robert Middleton), the wealthy owner of a fleet of crop-dusting airplanes. Her plan backfires when Jonas and his friend "Swede' (Jackie Coogan) take off to find work further north. Forced down on a small airport strip near Holtsville,. they find Roy Dillon (Douglas Henderson)drunk in the field's hangar. Lynn (Gail Russell), his wife, tells them that Dillon will lose a contract with Buck if the local fields are not dusted. She hopes they will stay on,. and tells them about a local doctor named Carter (James Macklin)who may be able to save "Swede's"eyesight, damaged when he rescued Jonas during a plane accident. Iris lures one of her husband's henchmen, Chick (Bill Ward) into telling her where Jonas has gone and she leaves to find him. Buck, in a jealous rage, kills Chick and starts out in pursuit of his cheating bride...and Jonas.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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