
Schwarzwaldmelodie (1956)

6 (XWG) | West Germany | German | 100 min
Directed by: Géza von Bolváry

Susanne loves the poor composer Hans, but gets engaged to the rich Herbert Olberg for reasons of practicality. Her father, a manufacturer of music boxes is the reason for this. Due to a servant's carelessness, a fire ends up destroying the barn and the workshop, where her father makes the boxes. Hans is then suspected of arson. He dedicated the song "Schwarzwaldmelodie" to Susanne and now flees to New York with Circus Roland, because his love for Susanne seems to be going nowhere. He knows however nothing about the warrant for his arrest on suspicion of arson. Hans joins with the three vagabonds Lerch, Aribert and Luggi. They heard Hans singing his Schwarzwaldmelodie in a church in the Black Forest and have now included it in their repertoire. By chance, they happen to get to know a record producer, who hears the song played outside his window. He believes the song to be an old folk tune and spontaneously records the three musicians for a new record.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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