Foxhole in Cairo_peliplat
Foxhole in Cairo_peliplat

Foxhole in Cairo (1960)

PG (GB) | UK | Italian, German, English | 80 min
Directed by: John Llewellyn Moxey

In 1942, the Germans are pushing the British further back toward Cairo. Field Marshal Rommel intends to destroy the British 8th Army and take Cairo. However, the British are far from defeated and they beefed up Cairo's defenses. Taking Cairo would be a difficult task for the Germans if they cannot obtain reliable information regarding the British defenses and the British 8th Army's remaining strength. Therefore, Rommel decides to send his best two spies, disguised as civilians into British-occupied Cairo to gather intelligence. This information would then be sent by a wireless radio transmitter to a secret German relay station in the desert and ultimately end-up at Rommel's headquarters. Both German spies are speaking fluent English. One is half-German, half-Arab and grew-up in Cairo, the other choosing to pass himself as an American. They start in a five-vehicle convoy of captured British vehicles and cross the desert to a location nearby the British lines from where the two German spies, carrying forged identity papers and a suitcase of fake British currency, continue their trip on foot. However, their trip is photographed from the air by a British spotter plane. The pictures are sent to Capt. Robertson of the Intelligence Service who tries to guess what the disguised German convoy is up to. Things will become more entangled in Cairo, due to a femme-fatale, a belly dancer, two Jewish Zionists fighting for a Palestine free of British-rule, a loose-lips drunken British Major infatuated with the belly dancer and a few murderous Nazi collaborators. Capt. Robertson has to navigate his way around all these characters and unmask the two German spies sent by Rommel before the upcoming German general offensive.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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