Every Penny Counts_peliplat
Every Penny Counts_peliplat

Every Penny Counts (1961)

None | Czechoslovakia | Czech | 92 min
Directed by: Zbynek Brynych

Emil Tuma inherited a large villa in the suburbs from his uncle. He is happy to go on his first tour, but doesn't come out surprised. In the villa, he meets a number of strange people who carry out various activities that Tuma does not understand. Every now and then one of them slips an envelope of money into his hand. Gradually, however, Tuma begins to get his bearings and realizes that his uncle has been providing the villa's premises to various crooks who, together with him, have created a company with the motto "Every crown is good". The villa is the venue for spiritualist seances, a modernist "painter" is patching up pseudo-artworks, and a rickety piano is a source of profit. Worst of all, the villa is also used to rob the unfortunate who need an apartment and are willing to pay with their hard-earned savings. With help of his wife and that of a teacher from a neighboring kindergarten, Tuma tries to deal with the crooks.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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