Sands of Beersheba_peliplat
Sands of Beersheba_peliplat

Sands of Beersheba (1964)

None | USA, Israel | English | 90 min
Directed by: Alexander Ramati

Shortly after the birth of the state of Israel, Susan (Diane Baker) arrives from America to see where her Zionist fiancé was killed in the early days of the Arab-Israeli War. There, she is surprised to find herself falling in love with Dan (Tom Bell), a man secretly supplying guns to the Israeli cause. After Dan is caught in a terrorist ambush, he is rescued and given shelter by a pacifist Palestinian named Daoud (David Opatoshu), who happens to be the father of Dan's attacker.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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