The Rape_peliplat
The Rape_peliplat

The Rape (1963)

K-18 (FI) | Greece | German, Greek | 85 min
Directed by: Dinos Dimopoulos

On a silent and seemingly ordinary night somewhere in early-1950s Greece, a team of determined female inmates summon up the courage to escape from a juvenile correctional institution. Hell-bent on reaching an isolated islet, and then, flee to the mainland, the young women have only a few hours to arrive at their final destination before dawn. But, there, on the dry, inhospitable rock, a ruthless gang of cut-throats and ex-military men led by a former high-ranking SS officer are digging for gold and a secret treasure, and they won't let anyone interfere with their plans. Now, nine helpless, exhausted, and scantily clad female fugitives find themselves trapped in a hellish prison of lustful desire and raw violence. Can they survive when there's nowhere to hide?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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