Kashmir Ki Kali_peliplat
Kashmir Ki Kali_peliplat

Kashmir Ki Kali (1964)

Not Rated (US) | India | Hindi | 168 min
Directed by: Shakti Samanta

Rajiv has come of age; his now-dead father had built up a flourishing business and had become a millionaire, and his widowed mother wants to keep him on the straight and narrow. The best way would be to find him a good wife to encourage him to settle down, but he is having none of it and runs off to the family's summer house in Srinagar to enjoy life. But en route he must stay overnight at a country inn because of a bridge collapse. Mr Mohan is staying there for the same reason, with a group of girls he is taking to the fair in Srinagar. Rajiv must sleep under the stairs, and during the night Champa spills some water on him; they talk, but she keeps her distance. The next day they meet again by chance, and when she sees he is driving a big car, she is cool with him; when she thought he was poor, he was attractive, but now that she thinks he is rich, she is put off. He tells her that he is the driver for a rich man, and she talks to him some more. At Srinagar, he finds that his valet has hired out his house for the season to some girls, and he has to find accommodation in the town. The romance between Champa and Rajiv develops, to the chagrin of the nasty Mohan, who himself has designs on her. Champa's father Dinu is persuaded to forbid Champa to go to the fair with Rajiv, as she had planned. But Rajiv is not so easily thwarted, and dressed as a female in purdah, he gets a lift on the truck that is taking the girls. A song and dance number on the back of the moving truck then takes place. Mohan persists in alarming Dinu, who is blind, about Champa's intentions, and it emerges that Dinu is not the natural father of Champa, but that he kidnapped her as a baby from a rich Delhi merchant. The name of the merchant was ... well, walls have ears and that must remain a secret for now. Who can the merchant have been?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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