Un, dos, tres... al escondite inglés_peliplat
Un, dos, tres... al escondite inglés_peliplat

Un, dos, tres... al escondite inglés (1970)

None | Spain | Spanish, English, French | 90 min
Directed by: Iván Zulueta, José Luis Borau

A group of Spanish fans of the best British pop music from the late sixties owned an odd record store, which only sold what they like. They decide to boycott the song "Lie, lie" that will represent Spain in a contest called 'Mundocanal' (parody of the music festivals of the time, as Eurovision). In order to accomplish the aforesaid, they will put in practice several stratagems to avoid that the selected bands would participate in the festival, whose performances will be happening throughout the film.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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