The 5-Man Army_peliplat
The 5-Man Army_peliplat
Play trailer

The 5-Man Army (1969)

M/PG (US) | Italy | Italian | 105 min
Directed by: Don Taylor, Italo Zingarelli

Set during the Mexican Revolution, a man known only as "The Dutchman" has a plan, and brings in four of his old acquaintences, including an old army buddy and a silent Japanese swordsman, to help him out by promising a $1000 reward if it succeeds. The plan turns out to be a fool's mission: rob a train carrying $500,000 in gold that's guarded by dozens of heavily armed soldiers and passes through a steady stream of military checkpoints. Naturally, his friends agree to go along with the scheme.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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