Return of the Gunfighter_peliplat
Return of the Gunfighter_peliplat
Play trailer

Return of the Gunfighter (1966)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 98 min
Directed by: James Neilson

Aging gunfighter Ben Wyatt receives word that his old friend Luis Domingo needs his help in a matter of life and death.Initially reluctant to get involved, Wyatt decides to ride to his old friend's help.However,when he arrives at the Domingo ranch he notices right away that the house is boarded up and that in the yard there are two fresh graves.The graves are those of the Domingo spouses but there is no sign of their daughter,Anisa Domingo.Ben Wyatt rides out to find the missing girl,Anisa and also to find the killer or killers of the Domingo family.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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