Dreams Die at Dawn_peliplat
Dreams Die at Dawn_peliplat

Dreams Die at Dawn (1961)

None | Italy | Italian | 92 min
Directed by: Mario Craveri, Enrico Gras, Indro Montanelli

Budapest, night between 3d and 4th November 1956. The Red Army tanks besiege the Hungarian capital, the encirclement is complete and only awaits the order for the final attack. While the Hungarian insurgents, led by Maleter, attempt the last, dramatic negotiation with the Soviets, five Italian journalists are locked in a hotel room awaiting events and are discussing the invasion of the country. The five men, each of different political tendencies, have different attitudes in the face of the tragedy that is taking place.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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