As Prostitutas do Dr. Alberto_peliplat
As Prostitutas do Dr. Alberto_peliplat

As Prostitutas do Dr. Alberto (1982)

None | Brazil | Portuguese | 90 min
Directed by: Alfredo Sternheim

"Sonia, João's girlfriend, is confused with a prostitute and kidnapped by the henchmen of Dr. Alberto and Dr. Irene, who are under the facade of a scientific-philanthropic agency for single mothers, a Nazi organization destined to procreate perfect children In the cell Sonia protests against undue hijacking, but as locked-in prostitutes are already consoled with their fate. Repair the breeder, which is contrary to the father Dr. Irene, dissatisfied with an inattention of Dr. Alberto, seeks to console himself with Flávio, one of the hired breeders, threatening him with the organization's clandestinity, escapes from the place, to be embreare by marta, the lesbian warden, keep her drunk at an intimate dinner and flees, telling a whole plot to the police. , and immediately lead to the discovery of Flávio's murder.In the shooting, the henchmen die, Irene kills Alberto, as prisoners are released and Somoza captured.Sonia retakes the old dating.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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