Something Hot_peliplat
Something Hot_peliplat

Something Hot (1964)

None | Greece | Greek | 110 min
Directed by: Giannis Dalianidis

The hopeful heiress, Sofia, intent on forming a lucrative marriage of convenience with her childhood friend, Dinos, heads to the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair to talk him into accepting a mutually beneficial proposition. However, this is easier said than done, as Dinos--a notoriously incorrigible philanderer--has already set his sights on wooing the statuesque brunette and member of a small but enthusiastic band, Rena. Of course, all is fair in love and war--and with this in mind--Dinos won't hesitate to promise the young dancer the stars and the moon; nevertheless, in matters of the heart, only women have the final say. In the end, is Sofia meant to be rich? Will the ambitious band ever make it?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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