Love in the Sand Dunes_peliplat
Love in the Sand Dunes_peliplat

Love in the Sand Dunes (1958)

None | Greece | Greek | 73 min
Directed by: Kostas Manoussakis

Exhausted, but as free as a bird, a handsome fugitive is washed ashore on an isolated sandy beach. There, amid the warm undulating dunes, a chance encounter with the eccentric, borderline weird young woman, Anna, will pave the way for an unexpected whirlwind romance, as the strange girl decides to take him in. However, their innocent relationship doesn't sit well with Anna's impoverished and perpetually semi-inebriated landowner father, who, on a whim, threatens to destroy their already fragile happiness. Now, the charming visitor's compromising secret could mean the end of the affair. But, can Anna live without the warmth of newfound love?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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