Fast Food Fast Women_peliplat
Fast Food Fast Women_peliplat
Play trailer

Fast Food Fast Women (2000)

R (US) | France, Italy, USA | English | 95 min
Directed by: Amos Kollek

How important is the truth when falling in love? Bella is a Manhattan café waitress, about to turn 35, stuck in a long-term affair going nowhere. Paul is a widower, facing old age alone. Bella's mother sets her up with Bruno, a novelist/cabbie who likes to bed-hop and whose ex-wife expects their two children to stay with him for awhile. While Bruno learns some maturity from his young daughter, Paul answers a personals ad placed by a "widow, 60." The two couples - along with one of Paul's older pals and a Jungian stripper - sort out how to initiate a relationship these days, what to do when someone you like disappoints you, and when to tell the truth.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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