Call to Arms_peliplat
Call to Arms_peliplat

Call to Arms (1997)

None | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: William G. Wagner

"Call to Arms" is the story of how the new American nation faced the daunting task of creating an army to do battle with the world's most feared military of the 18th century. In America before the Revolution each county was expected to train and maintain a militia to be called on in defense of the colony. In Virginia, as more and more colonists declared for independence, the last British governor disbanded the militias. The colonists then formed Independent Companies, which were soon transformed into a more professional army. "Call to Arms" explores the creation of this citizen army through the eyes of a young recruit. Students will share his view of life in a military encampment, experience the basics of 18th century drill, and learn about the weapons he used. The will meet the Ethopian Company, a regiment of black slaves who fought for the British.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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