A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots_peliplat
A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots_peliplat

A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots (1973)

K (GR) | Greece | Greek | 88 min
Directed by: Kostas Karagiannis

Head over heels for Roula, the girl of his dreams, the poor but honest waiter, Antonis Pikramenos, apart from his vulnerable financial state, has one more problem to worry about: Roula's austere brother, Captain Vagelis Vagianis, who entirely objects to their relationship. Under those circumstances, marriage is certainly out of the question; however, what if Antonis was willing to go to great lengths to get the girl? Without delay, Antonis prepares himself for an extreme makeover and a complete change of identity--a bold plan that seems to pay well; nevertheless, can the well-intentioned breadwinner hide forever behind a weak disguise?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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