Do Me! Do Me! Do Me!_peliplat
Do Me! Do Me! Do Me!_peliplat

Do Me! Do Me! Do Me! (1969)

None | USA | English | 75 min
Directed by: Wes Ransom

Mrs. Barlow inherits a house and unable to pay for the taxes, allows her friend Amy, a prostitute, to use the house to entertain customers in return for a cut of the profits. The police arrest Mrs. Barlow and after her release from jail, she and a few friends decide to open a modeling school that will serve as a haven more married women who wish to cheat on their husbands. Angela joins the group and organizes a party. Her husband discovers her infidelity and is killed by one of Angela's boyfriends. The police are summoned and Mrs. Barlow again finds herself in trouble.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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