Around the Pink House_peliplat
Around the Pink House_peliplat

Around the Pink House (1999)

Tous publics (FR) | France, Canada, Lebanon | French, Arabic | 92 min
Directed by: Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige

La Maison Rose (The Pink House) is an old mansion in Beirut. It is the place where the Nawfal family found shelter during the Civil War and in which they feel good. Unfortunately for them, their immediate environment is rapidly changing as many of the old shell-ridden buildings are torn down to be replaced by new construction projects. When Mattar, the owner of the Pink House, decides to sell it to make room for a large commercial center, the residents of the neighborhood become divided between the shopkeepers and businessmen in favor of modernity and the families being evicted against the project for sentimental reasons.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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