Garasu no nô_peliplat
Garasu no nô_peliplat

Garasu no nô (1999)

15 (KR) | Japan | Japanese | 100 min
Directed by: Hideo Nakata

'Sleeping Bride' is a story of a young girl who ever since her birth, has never been a wake. Seven years after birth, a little boy called Yuuchi encounters the girl while he's exploring the hospital he's in. After a nurse remarking to him that the girl, Yumi, is a 'sleeping beauty', Yuuchi believes that just like in the story, if Yumi is kissed by a prince, she'll wake up. So, everyday he goes to Yumi's room and remarks: "Please wake up! I'm a prince!" This becomes routine for him. Then, after ten years, he goes back, says the words and... Yumi wakes up!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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