The Face of Medusa_peliplat
The Face of Medusa_peliplat

The Face of Medusa (1967)

(Banned) (GB) | Greece, USA | Greek, English | 90 min
Directed by: Nikos Koundouros

Through the half-open door of his bedroom, Filippos sees his girlfriend in the arms of his younger brother. He says nothing and leaves in silence without being noticed. However, during a trip to the Greek islands, his younger brother disappears a few days later. Of course, everyone suspects Filippos. Alexis, who is gay and in love with Filippos, urges him to confess, otherwise, he has decided to report the unaccountable disappearance to the police. The girl suspects who the killer is; but, she chooses not to say a word. Now, more and more, Filippos feels the imminent danger; nevertheless, he is determined to play the game to the bitter end.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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