Women Without Men_peliplat
Women Without Men_peliplat

Women Without Men (1954)

None | Greece | Greek | 87 min
Directed by: Stelios Tatasopoulos

After a three-year-long absence, Captain Loukas returns home on the island of Andros, to get married to beautiful Maria, the daughter of silver-haired Captain Andreas. In the meantime, Loukas' friend and loyal first engineer, Janis, realises that he was wrong about rich and spoiled Rena, the daughter of the island's wealthy shipowner, and is betrothed to poor but honest Francesca. As Janis and Francesca's blooming romance makes spiteful Rena jealous, she decides to destroy the couple's happiness and enlists the help of a vengeful sailor. Now, a hideous lie threatens to ruin a friendship and a marriage. Will truth and love prevail?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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