The Bunk Witch Project_peliplat
The Bunk Witch Project_peliplat

The Bunk Witch Project (2000)

None | USA | English | 70 min
Directed by: Steve Meyer

Tracy Donner, Jack Earwell, Matt Anderson, and Eric Duboix disappeared in the woods while documenting The Bunk Witch of Gnaw Bone. A year later, their footage is found by a group of rednecks. After trying to eat it, and deciding it wasn't edible, the rednecks turned it over to the police how threw it in a corner where it rested for a few months. Then an amateur filmmaker put together their footage to find out what really happened to them... and maybe even make a quick buck on the side. This film is a chronicle of their last days, as they have to put up with hunger, fear, fatigue... and each other.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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