An itan to violi pouli..._peliplat
An itan to violi pouli..._peliplat

An itan to violi pouli... (1984)

None | Greece | Greek | 78 min
Directed by: Takis Vougiouklakis

The talented but struggling violinist, Lefteris Paganikakis, is forced to take any job comes his way to make ends meet, be it a one-off appearance in the town's Symphony Orchestra, or a quick job--and a nice opportunity to earn some easy money--as the local parish's choir conductor. However, a dramatic incident one fateful Sunday before the church's stairs will send the aspiring virtuoso and red-blooded philogynist behind bars, recounting his unsuccessful three marriages and their effect on his turbulent life to the fellow lifer cellmate, Vlassis. Poor Lefteris, do you still want a fourth chance at love?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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