While James returns to his father's house in a scene James is sitting in his room and hears his father and new wife having sex. Just heavy breathing and a light moan. We hear his wife repeat his name a few times as she moans.
James makes out with a woman. 5-8 seconds not that inappropriate.
James kisses a man forcefully.
James is briefly seen kissing a girl in bed it's implied they are both nude but we not see anything.
The girl James says he is in love with is 16 and this takes place in 1951 so that makes Dean 19 or 20.
James Dean takes provocative photos of his girlfriend.
After a somewhat physical fight Pier and James are implied to have sex. The scene is confusing because I don't know whether she wanted to or not. He tells her to open her mouth and moves her leg.
Dean's manager makes slightly inappropriate comments about 17-year old Natalie Wood.
James Dean is seen fully nude from behind for 2 seconds. The shot is at a distance and only is butt is shown.