I Loved a Traitor_peliplat
I Loved a Traitor_peliplat

I Loved a Traitor (1969)

None | Greece | Greek | 83 min
Directed by: Kostas Papanikolopoulos

During the dark times of the German Occupation of Athens, much to his surprise, young Dimitris accidentally discovers that his fiancée, Irini, has joined the Resistance. Along with her brother and a handful of selfless patriots, the brave team tries to help the cause; however, when the Nazis arrest Dimitris in a roadblock, things will take a dangerous turn. Now, Dimitris has to endure unspeakable torture and protect the team. Can he fight to the bitter end, or will he betray the covert organisation and become stigmatised as a traitor?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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