Money, Money, Money_peliplat
Money, Money, Money_peliplat

Money, Money, Money (1923)

Passed (US) | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: Tom Forman

Socially ambitious Priscilla Hobbs persuades her father, George C. Hobbs, to borrow a large sum of money from snobbish Mr. Carter until they receive the inheritance promised to Mrs. Hobbs. Reggie Grey, who has fallen in love with Priscilla, realizes that Carter is using this as an opportunity to take over the Hobbs factory. When the inheritance proves to be much smaller than anticipated, Reggie persuades his banker father form a partnership with Hobbs. He then marries Priscilla and her family's business is saved.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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