Tiny Heroes_peliplat
Tiny Heroes_peliplat

Tiny Heroes (1997)

Not Rated (US) | Germany, Hungary, USA | Hungarian, English | 78 min
Directed by: József Gémes, Jenõ Koltai

Tiny is the forest ranger's dog, still really a puppy. He is friends with many of the forest animals, especially Dr. Owl, who protects the animals of the forest. One day, a mysterious stranger hires two bumbling poachers to capture a selection of animals. But Dr. Owl keeps thwarting their efforts. They realize they must take Dr. Owl out of the picture. They capture him and begin to collect their other animals. Tiny and his forest friends realized that they must free Dr. Owl and defeat the poachers, but only by combining their talents.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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