Silver from Across the Border_peliplat
Silver from Across the Border_peliplat

Silver from Across the Border (1963)

S (FI) | Finland | Finnish, Russian | 76 min
Directed by: Mikko Niskanen

Summer 1941, soon after the Finnish Winter War. Wist and Anttala are young war veterans whose homes ended up on the wrong side of the new border after the Soviet Union claimed ownership of the Finnish Karelia as a result of the war. The men decide to reclaim a chest full of silver that was hidden under Wist's home before the family was evacuated to Finland. Together with Paukku, a third young man with less experience in risky situations, they cross the border at nighttime and start their dangerous expedition through Soviet terrain.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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